Why Green Initiatives in Marketing are the Way of the Future
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Consider promotional materials, for example. Are these products eco-friendly? Are they sustainable? Although a plastic mug with the company logo is cost-effective, consider investing in glass or a bag that can be reused. Anything that will simply be dumped in a landfill is not helping the environment, and also not beneficial for brand image.
While some companies have the chance to take necessary steps towards incorporating green initiatives, others have decided to build an entire business from this concept. Outlined in the PRO trend Ecoretail, Trend Hunter focuses on retail designs that take sustainability and green living to the next level. One such company is Ksubi, responsible for designing The Bombed Mache. The retail space is made completely out of cardboard, and still provides customers with an intimate shopping experience while promoting sustainable products. The store is located in Melbourne, Australia, and attracts a hip, young demographic who care about the environment.
Smaller stores aren't the only ones reducing their carbon footprint. Retail giant WalMart is also taking steps in its global responsibility program to reduce waste and take part in green initiatives. According to Forbes, "Walmart currently has 180 renewable energy projects in operation or in development and as new projects go live, this figure will grow. Ultimately Walmart plans to use renewable energy to meet 100 percent of its energy needs." After the recession, many youth questioned the power consumer's place with these large corporations, so putting in processes such as these help big businesses in winning over this skeptical demographic.
Trend Hunter's Eco Trend Report dives into these developments in more detail. With the effects of global warming becoming more apparent, companies must look to the future and understand that customers are more aware of their purchasing decisions' impact on the Earth. Accommodating these needs is critical for the future of business.
References: trendreports
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