How to Facilitate Innovation in Meetings
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Art & Design, Branding, Business, Life, Life Stages, Marketing, New Ventures, Pop Culture, Social Business, Social GoodMany companies struggle to facilitate innovation during meetings. Various elements get in the way of getting new ideas on the table, from logistics to a lack of focus. Luckily, steps can be taken to ensure that precious time in meetings doesn't go to waste.
Keep meetings small. This is perhaps one of the most important aspects to facilitating new ideas. Though some might assume that the more people who are there, the more ideas there will be, the logistics of having a big group gather get in the way of generating effective discussion and keeping focus. When holding a meeting, ensure that only the people who need to be there are invited. If after the meeting your team feels that they want more opinions, involve people by other means, like asking them to e-mail suggestions regarding a particular goal of the company.
Make objectives clear. Before the event starts, ensure that attendees know what the meeting will aim to accomplish. Ensure that those coming to the meeting understand that generating new ideas and solutions is the goal of the event, and provide them with sufficient information to get their ideas solidified before the meeting begins.
Create a flexible outline. While it's advised that attendees be aware of the focus of the meeting prior to it beginning, keep discussion during the meeting open enough so that people feel free to share their ideas. As a general rule, if discussion is aimed toward a previously agreed upon goal, attendees should feel free to contribute their thoughts. In order to keep discussion going, be sure to encourage to people share ideas no matter how rough or vague they may be. Ensuring that attendees feel comfortable enough to share their ideas may be the missing component that's keeping your brand from coming up with its most innovative solutions.
Highlight accomplishments. A good way to begin a meeting is to draw attention to the positive outcomes of previous meetings. Doing so motivates employees, makes them feel valued, and ensures that attendees understand the value of meetings.
For more information on business innovation and effective meetings, check out Trend Hunter's Business Trend Report.
Keep meetings small. This is perhaps one of the most important aspects to facilitating new ideas. Though some might assume that the more people who are there, the more ideas there will be, the logistics of having a big group gather get in the way of generating effective discussion and keeping focus. When holding a meeting, ensure that only the people who need to be there are invited. If after the meeting your team feels that they want more opinions, involve people by other means, like asking them to e-mail suggestions regarding a particular goal of the company.
Make objectives clear. Before the event starts, ensure that attendees know what the meeting will aim to accomplish. Ensure that those coming to the meeting understand that generating new ideas and solutions is the goal of the event, and provide them with sufficient information to get their ideas solidified before the meeting begins.
Create a flexible outline. While it's advised that attendees be aware of the focus of the meeting prior to it beginning, keep discussion during the meeting open enough so that people feel free to share their ideas. As a general rule, if discussion is aimed toward a previously agreed upon goal, attendees should feel free to contribute their thoughts. In order to keep discussion going, be sure to encourage to people share ideas no matter how rough or vague they may be. Ensuring that attendees feel comfortable enough to share their ideas may be the missing component that's keeping your brand from coming up with its most innovative solutions.
Highlight accomplishments. A good way to begin a meeting is to draw attention to the positive outcomes of previous meetings. Doing so motivates employees, makes them feel valued, and ensures that attendees understand the value of meetings.
For more information on business innovation and effective meetings, check out Trend Hunter's Business Trend Report.
References: trendhunter, trendreports