3 Ways to Keep Business Hierarchy From Hurting Innovation
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Some companies integrate an anti-hierarchy structure using an open office space. By integrating a layout where people of all levels are forced to interact with each other, companies can ensure that no one feels limited to their own department. This kind of setup is said to keep ideas flowing throughout the company and keep people in communication with one another. This kind of set-up could also, arguably, improve morale by having a company feel like a more cohesive unit.
There are a number of less expensive ways in which companies can keep hierarchy from getting in the way of morale and innovation. Reserving perks on a by-performance basis is an extremely effective way to do so. As explained by Geoffrey James, a columnist for Inc.com, putting performance ahead of position is critical in terms of motivating employees.
Keeping your business social, though easier to do in smaller companies, is a fantastic way to ensure that hierarchy doesn't keep great ideas from coming to surface. Fostering communication through different levels and areas of a company, even in informal ways like parties, can help to ensure that even the newest hires feel integral to the success of a company. When employees understand their value within an organization, they're more likely to contribute potentially helpful and fresh ideas.
For more information on innovative office culture and more, check out Trend Hunter's Business Trend Report.
References: trendhunter, trendreports