Adaptable Design and Why it Matters to Consumers
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Art & Design, Babies, DIY, Furniture, Pop Culture, Retail, Social Media, Tech, Youth
Technology is an industry where adaptability reigns supreme. With updated products constantly being released, it's incredibly important that consumers feel their purchases won't lose value due to said changes in products. To address the fact that those with an iPad found it awkward to use their tablets in the car, Scosche Industries came out with a car kit that made iPad use on the go a little safer, easier and streamlined. These kind of innovations not only solve consumer issues, but add more value to products that customers already have.
Because technology products are generally more expensive than most products on the market, it's always important to ensure that those who buy the products feel that they are getting their money's worth. Any investment product should pay off in the long run, so facilitating the value of a product is greatly appreciated by careful consumers.
Though technology plays a huge part in this approach to product development, it isn't the only industry that can benefit by adopting adaptable design. Retail products of all sorts can undergo a more long-lasting update, and some of the best renderings of this approach have been with products designed for children. The GROW bicycle, for example, is an incredibly customizable product that outlasts growth spurts. Offering more long-term value to customers, this design is highly appealing to customers, and shows an understanding of consumer needs on part of the brand.
Adaptable design is becoming an increasingly important aspect of product development, and will likely benefit a number of industries.
References: trendreports