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The Future of Blogging

Zolton Zavos, Editor and Founder of Lost At E Minor
Vasiliki Marapas
February 23rd, 2015
If you're interested in global trends, then founder and editor of cutting-edge culture blog Lost At E Minor Zolton Zavos is your go-to man. Zavos, who also works on other Conversant Media publications The Roar and Techly, finds himself immersed in the realms of culture, sports, technology and design every single day, making him a pretty reliable figure on innovation and creativity across multiple industries. As the world of digital journalism continues to grow and evolve, Zavos is determined to keep Lost At E Minor a frontrunner by including niche content from all over the globe.

6 Questions with Zolton Zavos

1. How do you reset to be creative?

I immerse myself back into quick stimulus pop culture: watch old YouTube videos, browse websites I like, and listen to music very loudly through kick-ass headphones that rarely leave my head.

2. What is your favorite way to interact with viewers of your site?

Our Facebook page ( is a hive of activity: lots of comments, Likes, Shares, critiques and suggestions. I manage the page and always enjoy the high level of engagement that the page tends to promote.

3. Are there any adjacent industries outside your own that you actively source for inspiration?

Music. I played guitar in bands for years and held delusions of carving out a career in that realm at various stages of my 20s - until lack of real talent got in the way. I still keep an ear out for a good new tune, but find myself happily stuck on the same Spotify playlists for daily inspiration. I guess there's a degree of comfort in familiarity.

4. Where do you see the future of blogs heading?

More niche, more video, longer form written content. I love what Narratively and Medium are doing, in particular. They're filling the void that the death of so many quality print magazines has left.

5. What is the mission of your blog?

To be a fun and entertaining daily pleasure for our readers and to continue to prop all the talented artists, photographers and musicians that inspired us to start Lost At E Minor in the first place.

6. What makes your blog different? How can viewers leverage the content on your blog?

Lost At E Minor is a unique hybrid of serious content and quirky/offbeat posts. We tap a worldwide writing base from literally all corners of the globe. Whether or not that makes us different, I don't know. But we sure enjoy putting it together each day.
References: linkedin, lostateminor