Learn to Use Facebook Hashtags in 3 Simple Steps
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Campaigns – A corporate campaign that’s promoted with a hashtag to be used on social media sites can help to connect consumers to the source and others who are also participating in the conversation. A campaign hashtag is a choice method for community managers to easily track the kind of results that it’s getting and to quickly respond to relevant postings.
Image tracking – Attaching a hashtag to your brand’s image means being able to track mentions in real time. A consumer using your brand’s hashtag might be directly related or simple in passing, but what’s key is the ability to see what’s being said, by who and where in the world it’s getting the most responses.
Maximizing SEO – Taking the time to use Facebook hashtags means contributing even more to your brand’s SEO in the grand scheme, which can be beneficial for driving searchers in the right direction. Essentially, a brand that contributes positively, hashtags accordingly and responds respectfully can become more relevant in the grand sceme.
Taking the time to track changes and innovation is a key step towards getting the kind of results a brand is looking for. Trend Hunter’s Social Media Trend Report details ample information that can help a brand identify areas for opportunity and growth, so check it out.
References: trendreports