Providing Innovative Services
Nicolas Bouvet, CEO, Une Agence Américaine

Three questions with Nicolas:
1. How does your team generate new ideas?
There are a lot of ways to generate good ideas. You obviously need to pay attention to what’s going on, through all media (on the Internet, through social networks, what's buzzing on the streets, our competitors), alongside any domain of activity (technologies, fashion, the arts). Then, you must keep in mind that there is no bad idea, and that ideas don’t only belong to creatives! Whatever the starting point, you can always bounce around from there. Ideas are modified and evolve before taking their final shape-- and this happens through everyone’s contribution and experience. It's all about teamwork.
You also need to question yourself constantly, and think if this is a really good idea. Which do we like best? Which will motivate the whole agency? Which will make people talk about us? Above all, a good idea is the one which our clients will like. It’s not always the most fascinating, avant-garde or crazy one. It is the one which corresponds to their expectations and enables them to reach their target with the means they have.
2. Do you have specific rituals for re-setting your team to be creative?
No, not at all. Besides, if anyone does, I’d be very curious to know about it! Being tired or stressed does not help, that’s for sure. In the same way, denigrating or making fun of ideas does not encourage people to suggest new ones in the future. It can be good to give out some keys, to stay on the watch and share information with all the members of the agency. The watch enables us to keep up and start anew from different angles, in a constant evolution.
3. What is the biggest challenge you face when innovating?
Innovation means novelty, but it also implies its share of risks-- for the agency and the advertiser too! Right now, our clients aren’t really into “betting” their campaign on this or that innovation. More than realizing an innovating idea, our biggest challenge is thus to convince our client of the legitimacy of the idea. It is essential for us, in such instances, to perfectly master the topic, anticipate its hazards and reassure the advertiser. We’re happy to have earned their trust event by event, and we'll continue to be leaders in our category.
References: uneagenceamericaine